In Stock
Tail Hornet 03-06 m Without side ears (chips). Fiberglass material. Strong and light. It is made within 14 days, under painting in soil...
₴ 2 310 грн.
In Stock
Tail Honda CBR 1000rr 08-12 years. Material fiberglass. Sold in the soil for painting, without a foot. Production time up to two weeks...
₴ 3 360 грн.
Made of fiberglass. For two weeks. Sold by primer and prepared for painting...
₴ 1 680 грн.
Tail Honda Hornet 2003-06 (second generation) for installation on the Hornet 98-02 (first generation). To install you will need to replace the stop / gauge (от03-06года) Everything else remains native. Material - fiberglass. It is made under paint..
₴ 2 310 грн.

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